While many of us are staying at home, working from home, and caring for others living in the home, we are getting back to basics. That includes the basics of cooking, cleaning, working in the yard or garden, and coming up with other ways to keep ourselves and others busy.
Basic living also shows us how we can reduce consumption, and reuse items in the home we often simply throw away. And that’s part of SEAGreen's mission: Reduce and reuse, in addition to recycle.
So, as we move slowly toward a return to some old routines, as well as adopt new routines that will keep all of us safe, remember to recycle the basics. Those basics are empty plastic bottles and jugs, cardboard, miscellaneous loose paper, and empty aluminum, steel and tin cans. Thank you for recycling -- it helps keep Southeast Arkansas a beautiful and healthy place to live and raise a family! To see where our recycling stations are located, go to: https://myseagreen.com/recycling-locations.